Paper Badges vs Plastic Badges
We’ve all been somewhere that has had you wear paper badges…you write your name and stick it on yourself so people can address you by name. But by the time you get on a roll, the adhesive wears off or it just doesn’t stick very well to type of material you’re wearing. Paper Badges So…
Read MoreTop 5 Reasons You Need Employee ID Badges
Employee ID badges are important for several reasons, and we believe both large and small businesses should have their employees wear ID Badges. Here are our Top 5 Reasons your business needs Employee ID Badges #5 – BRANDING Your company logo is displayed on the badge all day long, especially if you have field service…
Read MoreHave you seen QR codes EVERYWHERE?
Although QR codes (quick response barcodes) are not “cutting edge” technology, they have quickly become more widely used than the traditional handshake. You have seen QR codes in restaurants, advertisements, flyers, theme parks, grocery stores and even on ID Badges. The “QR ID Badge” is the NEW business card. It can be scanned by a…
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