Have you seen QR codes EVERYWHERE?

Although QR codes (quick response barcodes) are not “cutting edge” technology, they have quickly become more widely used than the traditional handshake.

You have seen QR codes in restaurants, advertisements, flyers, theme parks, grocery stores and even on ID Badges.

QR code
Scan the QR Code with your smart phone

The “QR ID Badge” is the NEW business card. It can be scanned by a smart phone to quickly add contact information directly to the Contacts app. This eliminates the need to hand out a potential germ carrying object, making it safe to network and exchange information.

QR codes are convenient, easy, and efficient. Not only do you save on the cost of reordering more business cards, but you feel confident that your new contact will not lose your information. Because as we all know, business cards get tossed on a desk, and get lost in no mans land. And then when you try to follow up, you get the “who is this? And where did we meet again?”

So how do you get a QR ID Badge? Well…you first need to find a QR code generator. Yes, there are different types of QR code generators that will do different things. Some will just scan your contact information while others can track and analyze performance. Or you can have a company like IDBadgeExpo create and design it for you.

There are some “fun” aspects to QR codes besides just safety and convenience, you can also customize QR codes to your brand by making it look like your logo. That is correct, the design of QR codes is not “one size fits all”, these days you can be highly creative depending on your marketing goals.

However, no matter how you design your QR code, keep your end goal in mind. Just like any call-to-action, make it worthwhile for the scanner.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email – TheBadgeGuy@IDBadgeExpo.com.