IDBadgeExpo provides identification solutions to add visual security
to a facility, worksite or event.

Since 2004, we have been in the identification and security industries. Our mission is to provide you with a professionally made ID Badge that is excellent in both quality and efficiency. We use our experience of over 20 years to make your ID Badge just the way you want it. We don’t ship until you approve the design!
Personal History from the Founder
I have been in the industry for over 20 years and worked with top card printer manufacturers, as well as had formal tech training. I’ve also held positions in sales, management and tech support with ONLY three companies within those 20 years. That’s not to say I haven’t been exposed to much, but the opposite. Having only worked in only a few companies has helped me see the longevity of processes, get more experience, and build stronger relationships with vendors.
Se Habla Español
Fast Turnaround

Great Customer Service

High Quality Products